Imagine spending a whole weekend exploring your intuitive gifts, learning how to give and receive with energy and colour . We focus on learning through clairvoyant healing with the seven main chakras. Practice and doing is how you develop your intuitive gifts! Being with like hearted people makes this relaxing and enables you to feel safe to explore without being interrupted by your everyday world.
Reiki healers wanting to expand your gifts of clairvoyance and enhance your healing practice with greater knowledge of the energetic system through the seven main chakras. The weekend will include knowledge of the chakras with the understanding coming through with practical experience on balancing each of the seven main chakras on someone else. The format will include using a pendulum to measure imbalance, followed by working with Reiki energy and colour to bring in balance. It is a requirement to have been attuned to Reiki 2 to utilize the tools of Timelines and Past lives for creating energy flow of the past, present and future. This workshop includes learning how to bring in an angel or spirt guide for your client. No experience required other than having been attuned to Reiki 2. This is a full weekend Saturday and Sunday 9am to 4pm each day at my home designated healing room - 17 Heal Street Hamilton Hill.