Guided Sound and Chakra Meditation in New Moon eclipse – Saturday 29th March 2025


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New moon in Aries is about “discovering whether you are ready to move in new directions under a vibrant Aries solar eclipse”

Interesting this is a few days from my birthday, and the new thing for me is running a group meditation on a Saturday night!

The new moon is opportune time to “be” with the quiet and still energy of the environment, go within, connect with your own spirit and ask questions.

There will be time for a chat and cuppa after if you would like to stay and talk about any questions that may arise.

Early enough to enjoy a meditation and then run off to a party 🙂

We start with a guided meditation to mindfully discover a new or fresh direction.

Following by uplifting sound and vibration of gong and 7 crystal bowls to support and enhance your energy of discovery.

At – Coogee Community Hall – Arlington loop Coogee

Start – 7pm

Exchange $25.00

Bring – Mat and pillow

These sessions are a creation of continual and consistent sound to encourage the receiver’s vibration to lift to a harmonious state with the sound waves.
This session becomes a dynamic form of sound therapy as it involves using instruments of 7 crystal bowls and chimes that relate to the tones of the seven main chakras bringing balance to one’s whole energy system lifting the vibration of one’s entire being!
We start the session with breathing exercises to fill the body with freshness. Followed by a guided meditation for a chakra or a specified theme on the day.

Sound meditation

Sound transmits energy into whatever it comes into contact with, such that objects with higher vibration frequencies will raise the vibration frequencies of other objects to create balance. With our bodies being a network of vibrational energy fields, sound penetrates and touches our bodies on a molecular level. When the sound moves through the atmosphere and touches us, it causes our cells to move in sync with the sound wave creating a harmonious rhythm.
A sound meditation may relax a specific muscle before spreading throughout our entire body or ease a particular emotion before inducing a sense of calm. As sound is a wave and felt throughout the body it is also beneficial to those who have little or no hearing.

If you are sensitive to sound and would like to come for the benefit of the guided meditation and the vibrations from the instruments, please come along and bring your ear phones to put in once we come to the sound section. You will still receive!

Cheers Euphemia xo

Note: No refunds for change of mind or no show.

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